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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Les Déserteurs - Still At the Top

I hate to repeat myself.  Having already reviewed Les Déserteurs a year ago, you may wonder why I bother to post about  Daniel Baratier et Alexandre Céret's Les Deserteurs, a restaurant in the 11th that they created after 'deserting' Le Sergent Recruteur (get it? from recruiter to deserter).  There's a simple answer to that question - it's really good.

Source: L'Hotellerie
After another terrific dinner with Co. a couple Friday evenings ago, I felt compelled to share some images of our six-course meal (60€).  So without further adieu, here they are.  Bear in mind, this is another one of those venues where nothing is listed on the carte and everything - since we are four years old - is a surprise.  So my limited descriptions are based solely on my wine-muddled memory.  As always, the menu changes regularly depending on the market, so it's not like you can go in and say, 'I'd like that pintade dish that Mortstiff had a couple weeks ago.' The upside is, chances are you'll get something even better.

Bruscetta with courgette, mint, and olive flakes

Eggs with pintade, mushrooms, and moules

Fera, poisson du lac, with flowers and peas

Volaille and gnocchi

Really good dessert 1

Really good dessert 2

I hope the photos speak for themselves (click on them and they will look even tastier).  Les Deserteurs is a highly recommended experience, from the fresh, creative, and precise dishes to Alexandre Céret's expressive and iinformative explanations.  A bit pricier than some of the venues reviewed here (you can order a more limited 45€ menu for dinner, and lunch is a more economic option with 28 € and 35 € menus that include a glass of wine and cafe), but well worth it.

46 rue Trousseau
75011 Paris

web: facebook page
Tél. : 01 48 06 95 85

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