The nouvelle vague (Bigarade) vs. the institution (Le Baratin), the former before the new year and the latter last weekend. Both visits were highly anticipated, given the laudatory reviews I’ve come across for both in recent months. I cut to the chase.
Bigarrade was a reasonable alternative to my first choice, last season’s absolute must(!)Parisian restaurant, Spring. You’ve probably already read about Spring in The New York Times, but less likely you’ve eaten there, unless you know somebody who knows someone who can swing a reservation for you. You see, the new trend in Parisian restaurants is minimalism, with a little ‘m’. So it’s dog eat dog to get to one of the 3 or 4 tables that comprise the dining room. I was informed by phone that I could probably get a slot sometime after 2011, so I kindly passed and dialed Bigarrade. Same concept, easier to reserve – I clocked in at slightly under three weeks, or as they say, before next Spring.
Like it’s minimalistic cousin, Bigarrade works on the Spring-like concept of fixed menus – 35€ or 45€ and that, mon ami, is all they tell you when you order. A visit to the web site won't help either - its been 'under construction' for months, but you can watch a cool little video there about the restaurant. Co. & I opted for the 45€, throwing caution to the wind – who knows if it will be as easy to reserve next time. This was a couple months ago, and I vaguely recall around six courses, give or take an amuse bouche here or a petit plat there. Our waiter refused at the end of the meal to give me a list of the courses, so I can only detail what I scrawled into my little cheat sheet notebook. But then, it doesn’t matter anyway – although perhaps some components will reappear, the set of courses changes every night. (Check the minimalistic gallery of photos below for some sample Bigarrade dishes.) So if you like the sound of what follows, don’t exactly expect to get it when you eat there. One standard, however, seems to be the initial offering, a kind of pre-amuse bouche – a small square of focaccia bread served warm with an intense olive oil. The only drawback to this tasty morsel is that there wasn’t more.
This was followed by the actual amuse bouche, a carrot mousse with vinagrette. Relying on my scrawls, I noted a foie gras with fig and honey jelly, torteu bleu creme de chou-fleur, truffaud de canard fieileté (sic), st. pierre avec petits legumes, etc. I know, this is a pretty lame description, but like I said, you’re not going to get it anyway.

Christophe PELE opened Bigarrade in 2007 and he pairs up with Giuliano SPERENZI as the dueling chefs. There’s a lot of preparation that goes into each course. I know this because the open-to-view kitchen was right behind Co., so even though I spent much of the evening gazing intently into her lovely turquoise gray eyes, I managed to watch the action in the kitchen out of my peripheral vision. Much

106, rue nollet
75017 Paris tel. 01 42 26 01 02
Next up was Le Baratin, a totally different concept from the trendy Spring and

“Simplicity out of wells, naked and tasty.
The address of the crazy food. Unbeatable.
Attention, you have to go to form, as is the rush "decibel."

Okay, that is how many French really talk, but I agree, something was lost in translation. Anyway, it’s the thought that counts, and his thought is that we’re talking here about one of the top bistrots, albeit a noisy one (re: decibel) in Paris at the moment. As is the rumor, this is where some of the great Parisian chefs come to sit down and dine when they’re not working. Elsewhere, Alexander Lobrano devoted four full pages in his Hungry for Paris book to Le Baratin, where he wrote a review that makes one take note. His ‘in a word’ summary: “A first-rate bistrot à vin in a far-from-the-madding-crowd location in Belleville. This is the type of place that Parisians guardedly share with friends. . .” And earlier, “a buzzy, unpretentious place with a smart, sexy, arty crowd, a fabulous chalkboard menu, and a slightly bluff style.” If you think these points make more sense than Simon’s above, it is because they were written in English and thus did not necessitate Google’s torturous attempt at sense-making. Still, does anyone out there know what is a ‘bluff style’?
If you read between the lines of Lobrano’s comments, the truth begins to coalesce. But at the outset, let me dispel the false notion that you will find a ‘sexy’ crowd at La B. Unless your idea of ‘sexy’ is those winter hunting caps with the stupid ear flaps hanging down. ‘La vie boheme’ indeed- ‘arty,’ yes, if we’re talking turn of the century I haven’t washed in three weeks kind of arty.

The reviews led me to expect creative wonders from Argentinian chef Raquel Carena. I won’t deny the word ‘sincere,’ used by another reviewer. Memorable? Not very. I started off with an appetizer of caille with grapes and nuts. It arrived completely cold and that didn’t seem right. After asking, I was informed that it was no mistake – cold by intention. I don’t have a problem with that if something magical materializes in the taste as a result. But the fact that I was compelled to ask suggests to me that it didn’t work as intended. I followed this up with a tasty lotte preparation, with a subtle tomato sauce on a bed of potatoes that did tricks with my eyes – it looked like rice, it felt like rice, but it wasn’t rice. The crumble for dessert was surprisingly ordinary. Co. liked her lamb, but that’s all she remembers.
I cannot explain the effusive reviews for Le Baratin. This is supposed to be one of

those real Parisian experiences. I don’t deny it, the two small crammed rooms, with interesting locally produced paintings on the walls say ‘Paris’ with a capital P. But what do you expect? It is Paris. Maybe it's just that standards have fallen so low. In a word, Parisian neighborhood bistrot, food above average, but certainly not gourmand by any stretch of the imagination. Three courses (me) + two courses (Co.) + bottle of red = 99€. Others have proclaimed Le Baratin the best lunch deal in Paris (15€), so if you’re going to try it, lunch might be the way to go.
3 Rue Jouye Rouve
75020 Paris
tel: 01 43 49 39 70
(suggestion : take the metro ! - Pyrénées)
Note : Kings of the Bs : Working Within the Hollywood System (edited by Todd McCarty & Charles Flynn) – one of the great books about the movies.
Yes indeed Le Baratin can be "oversold" by culinary press. But this is NOT Chef Raquel's fault !!! It is just because journalists just copy on each other.
I am one of those Baratin clients, not very sexy, but yes Parisian with capital P (i couldn't live else where, don't ask me why, maybe i am Pariscoolic, since i was born here), Belleville is my headquarters, i live, work, eat here, and le Baratin is one of my cantinas !
I preceise cantina, because i don't go there like if i was going at l'Ambroisie ! I only go to lunch (the 15 euro option which was 13 euros not long ago) and YES this is truely one of the best lunch option !
The cabillaud salad, the "plats de bistrot" are really top ! Wine well chosen. I would agree, the deserts are very simple, but this doesn't bother when you pay little !
I love the chef Raquel, she really takes care of her clients !
Please just look at Le Baratin as a very honest and happy restaurant of Belleville, a non-touristic neiborhood, easy to live !
Thanks Tonfal for your comments. What you say seems to make sense. It's the media's fault! I promise to give it another go, next time for lunch, and with the perspective that I am going to a true Parisian cantina and not Le Tour d'Argent. I will poke a few holes in my sweater, put on my sexy shoes, and smoke a pack of cigarettes to get the smell down correctly. Then I will order that cabillaud salad and apologize profusely to Chef Raquel!
Good !
(i hope that you know we are not allowed to smoke in any restaurants anymore, so that they don't smell like cold smoke now !)
I agree with you about le Baratin. I remember a mediocre meal and a conflict over my wine choice. I left in a bad mood because the service was so unpleasant. Definitely all hype and not worth it.
I love your blog
But I don't have the energy - i will faint if i don't eat at the places you recommend and review - so can you please help a foodie lover!
I'm taking my folks to paris and looking for places for saturday dinner and also a lunch - can you please please please tell me where to eat - !!nothing too fancy - just good value and good food!!
Sorry to have only just seen your comment on my blog, so I'm probably too late to give you advice vis-a-vis your parents' visit. We can narrow it down, because if you wait less than a
week in advance to reserve at most of the venues I've reviewed, they will tell you there are no more tables.
Just off the top of my head, I would recommend L'Agrume and Lilane as two spots with terrific price/quality ratios. L'Agrume will be tough for a last minute reservation, but Lilane could be possible.
As for lunch, taking your parents to any neighborhood bistro/cafe where there's a crowd will probably provide a satisfying Parisian experience.
Thanks for visiting the site. Eat, don't faint.
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